Hi charles
Do u want
to remeasure the crankshaft?
I can do so
Bud first the pics from valvegear
They interfere
Well without the rod
Otherwise just clear
Yes exactly
I took of course internal and external
Of the disc
Its because they got a phased edge
On that one i almost couldent stick it in
I also got the round now
Hi jason im about to measure does hohles
I also remeasured the triangular chest
I discovered 3 hohles on the bottom
Of the cylinders
Maybe for cocks to get rid of water?
Hi guys
Sorry for the messy drawings
It was late and i had to go to bed
I make a point on charles tool
Then i maybe can measurevthis hohles also
Regards chris
Hi charles
If i would loosen the piston nuts
The 2 big nuts on the posts
And the 4 in the back where the reverse is mounted i probably could lift off the whole top cast
Good idea?