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  1. D


    Take a look at Tormach quick change tooling. Once you use it you'll love them. Less than 30 sec tool change and repeatable. Dave
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    Proposal for "fixing" chuck - would this work?

    I have the same lathe and chuck that had the same problem. I chucked up a ring on the out side of the jaws and used my dremel flex drive in the tool post to grind the ID of the chuck jaws. Still have about .002" run out but that is about average for a 3 jaw chuck. If I need better than that I go...
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    6" Copper HRT Boiler Build (warning, long build and lots of pictures)

    Where did you get the copper tube. Did you have to take out a second mortgage to pay for it.:D Dave
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    GEARS Show Next Weekend

    Chuck At 38 pounds and 4" thick I hope that I will not need to worry about the high end. I may in the future set up a set of pivot feet at the bottom and a set of bars so you can set the table at between 0 and 44 degrees. I talked to several folks at the show and I think there are some that...
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    GEARS Show Next Weekend

    Chuck I have to machine several engine bases and the bearing caps are at a 45 degree angle. My mill is the PITA when it comes to laying it over to 45 and then back to vert. Takes couple of hours to tram back in. So I figured a sub table that I can clamp to the main table that will set my work...
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    Sample cnc code

    If using a non center cut end mill. You tell CamBam to ramp into the cut using the correct angle and distance so the end mill will make the pocket. I did not do that with this example but it can be done. Dave
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    Sample cnc code

    A G Using the numbers you have posted I drew up what I think is your part. Here is the 2D drawing that Alibre generated You will also find the Gcode that CamBam generated. It is for only one flat and .625 hole. You would need to modify the code or manually rotate the part one flat and run...
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    Sample cnc code

    Get some machinable wax and work with that till you get your code worked out. easier on tooling. Dave
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    GEARS Show Next Weekend

    I'll be there on Sat. My milling machine sub table will be at Gary Martins booth. Dave
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    Making a face plate

    Is you lathe spindle threaded for your chucks or do the chucks bolt on. .375 is a bit thin and steel tends to ring. You did not say what size face plate you would like to have. You can get a disk of cast iron 6" dia by 1" thick for 26.97 plus freight from McMaster-Carr. this would make a much...
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    Material questions?

    Find a CNC machine shop in your area. They may have a drop that will work. Again what size do you need. Dave
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    advice nedded

    The other choice you have is replace it with a chuck that has two piece jaws and machine soft jaws for the job. Dave
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    Material questions?

    You don't say where in the states you are located. I my area PNW Pacific Metal Co in Tualatin Oregon sells drops at $1.50/ pound if you buy 20 pounds or more. They have lots of blocks. What size are you looking for. Dave
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    Cheap and quick solution to a problem

    Dan Nice looking mount for the flex drive. How are you progressing on the Shay project. Dave
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    Alibre 2012

    Tin it's gona leek one whole side is missing. ;D ;D Nice job Dave
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    Alibre 2012

    I just went to an assemble that has gears in it and checked to see how I made gears rotate in sync. You use the orient constraint. You need keyways in the gears. Orient the keyways and then rotate one gear the other will follow.Only problem is they rotate in the same direction verse opposite...
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    Alibre 2012

    Admiral Gears that are not 1 to 1 ratio are a problem. I too have not found a way to do that. The steam engines I have been designing use excentrics and you can set them up to follow the crank. Dave
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    Alibre 2012

    Assemblies are fun and frustrating all at the same time. You can constrain your assembly so when you rotate one part such as a crankshaft, the piston and valves will move correctly. Here is an assembly of a Zdrive for model tug boats we are developing using Alibre. Dave
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    Alibre 2012

    Here is a test cube I printed today. It is 40x40x40mm as drawn. printed at40.1x40.40x39.88mm That is .0041"x.0157" big and .0048" short. Not to bad I think. Dave
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    Alibre 2012

    UNI I am a Alibre user from day one when they rolled it out. I now have a 3D printer that I will be using to make molds for wax patterns for the model steam engines I will be building, will also use it for molds for model boat propulsion systems I build. here is a link to the forum for the...