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  1. D

    Low cost 3D professional CAD software

    It appears that they do not have a try before you buy download. Also look to be very heavy in 2D and light in 3D. I'm a Alibre/ Geomagic user and would not switch based on price. If you can not build an assembly of your parts and constrain them to one another it would not work for me. Here is...
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    3D CNC milling of a 6 blades propeller

    Laurent A couple of questions and observations. What CAD program are you using and what CAM program. I've been working on CNC machining of marine propellers also. I use a radial 3D milling pattern that works its way down from Z0 in smaller steps. I think you will run into trouble if you try...
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    CNC face height milling

    Just for fun I ran you numbers through Gwizard. It gave a feed rate of 1317mm/min with a 5mm 2fl end mill .725 DOC. I don't know if your machine can handle that speed but if it can your machine time would be cut in half. Gwizard is a great program for figuring feeds and speeds. Dave
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    3D Modeling Software

    Chuck Cubify invent is a striped down version of the old Alibre personal edition. Cubify Design is the same as the old Alibre personal edition and I believe the price is $199.00 Geomagic Design Elements 2014 is the old Alibre Pro And if you really want to get carried away Geomagic Design...
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    CNC or Dro

    I have one of each. A mini mill I converted to CNC and an Enco mill I installed DRO 3 axis on. Coast me a little over $1000 to convert to CNC and $700 for the DRO. Each has it's good point and bad points. For simple one off I go to the DRO mill. For complex profiles and repeat jobs that will fit...
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    Unconventional lathe setup - am I asking for trouble?

    As long as your wood base does not cause any twist in the lathe bed you are fine. You have a mini slant lathe. Dave
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    how to

    Luc As Steve said Photobucket works real well for what you want You can post a photo Donkey winch for RC model boat Side plates for the winch in the CNC mill Dave
  8. D

    Grinding Cams - CNC program Beta test

    dsage has his rotary table set up as the 4th axis A so it does rotate the cam blank correctly.
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    Grinding Cams - CNC program Beta test

    I'm just thinking out loud in print right now. I have never built a cam so it will be a steep learning curve. As I said in the Yahoo group, I hope to some day build a pair of 4 cylinder engines for a model tow boat. Dave
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    Grinding Cams - CNC program Beta test

    What would happen if you were to use your mill with the program to rough out the cam lobes. Then heat treat the cam. After the cam has been heat treated put it back in the machine and finish grind the lobes and bearing areas. If you configured you grinding spindle so it would go slow enough to...
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    Milling Machines

    Get a R8 spindle not MT Dave
  12. D

    Press Fit Help Request

    Why not just drill undesize and bore to the fit you need. Then you know the hole will be concentric with the OD of the fly wheel. You run a real chance that you drilled hole will not be concentric and that the ream will ream over sized hole. Dave
  13. D

    Tubing for boilers - Rigid or Coils?

    I stand corrected thanks Sandy. Dave
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    Tubing for boilers - Rigid or Coils?

    You can use Hard copper tubing by annealing it. You can use coiled or annealed tubing by anchoring one end and stretching it just a little to work harden it. Dave
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    Tubing for boilers - Rigid or Coils?

    Gary I think you are talking about two different boiler types. The first you talk about is a fire tube boiler, where the heat goes through the tubes and the water is on the outside of the tubes. They are built in both horizontal and vertical models. They are fairly easy to build. The second...
  16. D

    Any one here me cussing today around 6pm Central?

    I would not run it very much. You could have an additional short that could fry the hard drive and then you are screwed. Go get a replacement computer today and get the files moved ASAP. Dave
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    Grinding Cams - CNC program Beta test

    JW I'm not sure that I want a grinder mounted to my CNC mill. Grinding grit will make it's way to the ways no matter how much you try and keep it out. I would think that a small machine built to grind cams and cranks up to maybe 8" long would be the way to go. I know that there are not a lot of...
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    Grinding Cams - CNC program Beta test

    Dave One question and one suggestion. Does the program do all the cam lobes on a cam automatically.? It may be a good idea to make the Yahoo group so anyone can read the messages to get an idea of what the group is about. Dave
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    Is CNC the solution for me?

    As others have said CNC is nice to have if you are well versed in manual machining. If you are doing one off parts then CNC only works well for parts that would be impossible or very difficult to do on a manual mill or lathe. A case in point. I am building a boring/facing head for my lathe. It...
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    My 6 Cylinder Design

    Buchanan I just checked the online pricing of Inventor. $1495 for LT and $7295 for Pro. Alibre / Geomagic 2013 personal is $200 in the US, may be a little more down under. As Draw-Tech said he likes that Inventor lets him add parts to his assemblies on the fly. Alibre has the same ability. You...