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  1. D

    Making a broach

    OK that helps. Now what is the depth of the 3 lugs. What material are you broaching. Dave
  2. D

    Making a broach

    So what shape of broach are you talking about. How long of a hole are you broaching. What is the ID of the receiver. Dave
  3. D

    Sprut cam help needed

    David Do you have Skype on this machine. If so I am online Skype. Dave
  4. D

    Sprut cam help needed

    Mach3 go to the offset page and you should see G54,55,56 etc. 54 will be set to it's work offset from machine zero. 55 may be 0,0,0 or have some numbers different from 54. With the machine at 0,0,0 for 54 do a MDI to G55 and DROs will change set Z0 X0 Y0. Now go back to the offsets page and 54...
  5. D

    Sprut cam help needed

    In Windows 8 file explorer I just right clicked on file and did a rename. Just backspaced the doc ext out and moved the dot between file name and tap. opened just fine in Gwizard Editor. Dave
  6. D

    Sprut cam help needed

    David When you set your G54 0,0,0 did you then do the same for G55 so that both had the same work offsets. I ran the code in Gwizard Editor and it ran fine there. Dave
  7. D

    Sprut cam help needed

    David Have you run the job. I DLed your project and ran it through my SprutCAM9. I changed machines to my Tormach 770 and posted it to Tormach Path Pilot. I noted that you have some Feed and speed issues. At one point you were running a 1/8 end mill at 200 RPM. Been there done that and it...
  8. D

    Citric Acid

    I use it hot and have no idea what the concentration is. Works good but parts need a rinse in fresh water after. Dave
  9. D

    Lifting A Mill.

    You will get far better advice if you post some photos of the mill sitting on the shipping pallet or give us the make and model number so we can go to the mfg web page and look at what you are dealing with. I've lifted 3 mills and 2 lathes and all were different. Dave
  10. D

    Team CAD build engine poll

    Not an IC engine but here is a video of the first run of the W T Preston that mike Jones (hookpilot) over at RC groups scale boats forum built and I designed and built the engines. I have some small details to go. Dave
  11. D

    Team CAD build engine poll

    Would you mind sharing your SW part files with me. I have SW 2014 and would like to study how you are going about things. PM being sent. Dave PS We have a daughter and a son in Kent.
  12. D

    Team CAD build engine poll

    Depending on the size of the wax. Have you upload a STL file to shapeways to see if they can print it for you. They do print in wax but the bounding box size is limited. Dave
  13. D

    fire brick (or whatever its called)

    Garry The white light stuff is Insulating fire brick. The heavier stuff if Fire brick. Fire brick is use to build fire places in homes. Insulating fire brick is used to build kiln and high temp furnaces. If you can find a pottery supply store that sells clay and tools to potters they will have...
  14. D

    fire brick (or whatever its called)

    You are looking for insulating fire brick. Here is one possable source in Canada Dave
  15. D

    Team CAD build engine poll

    Flat32 I clicked on the render you attached here and got forwarded to your photobucket. Looked at more pictures of the CAD models very impressive work. I would not even want to know what Shapways would charge for a bronze casting of the block in 1/4 scale. I have a friend in England that does...
  16. D

    Mach 3 Z-axis problem

    You may have a loose connection on your Dir pins for that axis. Swap Z and X and see if the problem follows. if X is now moving in just one direction check your connections. Step is OK check direction. Dave
  17. D

    learning cad works on computers, Ipad, Iphone, Mac and lenix Dave
  18. D

    Team CAD build engine poll

    The other thing to remember is there are not that many parts to an engine just multiples of most of the parts. So model 1 piston, 1 con rod, 1 wrest pin etc. Dave
  19. D

    Team CAD build engine poll

    Lets take a poll of what engine we would like to convert from 2D drawings to 3D CAD parts and assemblies. People have said that this or that engine is too complex. It is sort of like eating an elephant you just do it one bite at a time. Most of the parts that make up an engine are very...
  20. D

    Team CAD build

    Do you have a link to the HEM Corliss plans? Dave