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  1. V

    Cat Sixty starting pockets wrong hand

    I make more mistakes than I'd like to admit. I think a lot of this hobby and maybe others is figuring out how to recover from a boo-boo.
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    Restauration Hubbard 1912 Marine engine

    Boost thecompression by screwing a disc to the piston top, maybe a larger flywheel, and try starter fluid.
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    Six cycle engine running much better

    Very nice runner. I wonder if you could explain the 6 cycle?
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    Other uses for a lathe around the home.

    I suppose that most have heard the old saying that the lathe is the queen of machine tools because it is the only one that can replicate itself
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    Model engine CDI easy and cheap

    Looks like spark ignition already?
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    End of an (electrical) era

    Andrew, Good looking points and great buy. What are they made for?? May want to try them. John
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    End of an (electrical) era

    Yes, those are the ones I have been using. Thanks
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    End of an (electrical) era

    Thanks, I will try those too !!
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    End of an (electrical) era

    Thanks Andrew! Just ordered. John
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    End of an (electrical) era

    For small points in my Magnetos I like the points from mid 70s MGs. Smallest I've found, anyone know of smaller points?? Have looked at chain saws and lawn mower etc.
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    Cam Grinder questions / suggestions

    I think I mentioned it before but the old time auto machine shops bought pistons in rough sizes and then cam ground them. These machines have not been used in years but can make a pretty cool cam grinder. The late Jim Riggle and a few others, my self included, made cam grinder from these...
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    Upshur's opposed twin engine

    I know as an engine builder it is embarrassing not to be able to get a weed whacker to run. I have had some luck replacing the carb with a cheap replacement from China
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    What Determines the rpm of a engine?

    Though I've never printed anything but paper copies, I am very impressed with your printed crank case. I hope you will continue to post updates and maybe some details re. the printing process.
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    Duesenberg Straight 4, quarter scale

    Separate the gear and flywheel. The gear holds the one way clutch and rotates on the crank. The flywheel is attached firmly to the crank?
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    Duesenberg Straight 4, quarter scale

    Peter, Can you put the one way bearing on the crank instead of the the starter?? Better anyway because the belt/chain stops when the engine starts.
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    De Industrie 2VD5

    Xander, It appears you soldered a plate to the big end of the rod before sawing in two?? Seems a great idea!!
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    Compression ignition

    A quick reminder- in the last or next to last issue of SIC magazine a Dutch(?) builder ran an article on building a diesel engine he called the "DUX". I remember his discussion of the injector jet as a scribed line down the side of a tight fitting cylinder.
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    Another Knucklehead, built via castings, as a Draw-Tech design, upscaled

    Before you assemble you might consider a needle bearing on the con rod, I did it on my Hoglet and it seems pretty good. Also I drilled and reamed a hole at 180 degrees from the con rod hole to insert a dowel when aligning the flywheels, seemed useful.
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    Upshur's opposed twin engine

    For what its worth, I have had good luck using knitting needles for push rods. They are hollow, come in a variety of cool anodized colors and are light and strong. Simply use the pointed end in the rocker and press a ball shaped stub in the push rod end.