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  1. M


    That's really too bad. I looked forward to attending the show for many years.
  2. M

    Mach4 here i come!

    Brian, Thanks for the added info and I'm glad to see that you've been so successful with Mach4. Is there a hobby-level version available for sale?
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    Is that confirmed now? It would be a shame, if true.
  4. M

    Mach4 here i come!

    I never actually got around to trying it out. I was at (possibly the last) CNC Workshop near Detroit several years ago and one of the featured speakers was the guy responsible from Mach 4 (Brian Barker?). Comments that I overheard from the attendees at the time indicated that Mach 4 was still...
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    Compressed air safety

    I was required to inspect the compressor tank at work annually. Even small pressure vessels on research equipement also required annual inspection. I've never inspected the tanks on any of my 3 personal air compressors but might do so with a small camera on a tether one of these days.
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    CNC options?

    I never hand write any substantial amount of G-code. I often use the MDI square up rough stock, though. Tormach uses PathPiot, a variant of Linux CNC, and that has a pretty useful set of Wizards, or conversational routines to write code snippets. I usually use SprutCAM to create programs for...
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    CNC options?

    I'm probably another outlier here. I've had used a Tormach PCNC 1100 for 15+ years and realized this year that I hadn't used my Clausing 8520 at all in several years so I sold it, complete with Kurt 3-in vise, Servo (brand) power feed, and Shooting Star 3-axis DRO at the beginning of the year...
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    Mach4 here i come!

    Has Mach4 matured enough to be reliable for most users? Perhaps 5 years ago or more it seemed to have problems in development.
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    Designspark going subscription?

    Or Alibre...
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    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    Terry - by any chance is the drag knife that you use?
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    For Sale Morrison and Marvin mini Wilton Vice kit

    Would that violate Marvin's IP?
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    Next Project

    Your drawing prices are more than fair to my mind. Very professional, too. Mike
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    Jerry Howell - Super Stirling Fan

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    Cutting fluids

    I use QualiChem 251 diluted to about 7% with a Fogbuster and that has worked well for me. No rust, not much odor, no skin problems, and no biological growth over 5+ years of use. I use the same coolant in a lathe with flood coolant and have the same experience there. I'd also used Hangsterfer...
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    A Benchmaster mill non restoration.

    DROPros sells pretty decent DROs in various flavors and some of their offerings can be cut to size by the user. Their web site in California has lots of info.
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    Micrometer won't turn on

    I have a Starrett 0-1" digital micrometer that stopped working the 1st time I changed the CR2450 battery. Starrett tech support told me that some CR2450 batteries are a little thinner than the brand that they recommend (Varta). I popped in a new Varta and it worked fine after that. Maybe...
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    Surface grinder, adding power x-travel

    I'm not sure that would be ethical. Aside from the question of ethics, it would be a fair amount of work to collect info from the various Instagram posts into some sort of coherent story. Anyone serious about building something similar can easily access the posts themselves.
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    Surface grinder, adding power x-travel

    Try this: The info seems to be mostly there, sprinkled out amongst a couple hundred short Instagram posts.
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    Surface grinder, adding power x-travel

    Would a stepper motor for the table feeds? Rob Renzetti posted little tidbits about a custom motion control he designed and installed on Instagram, which I think he tagged with #autoharig That sure looks like a nice system.
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    My first project Monitor Steam Engine

    Rich Carlstedt made a museum-quality model of the Monitor steam engine and has been working on a book about the engine. Model Engineers—Richard Carlstedt ( I'm pretty sure that he is a member here and he used to do some seminars on some of his fabrication work and...