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  1. J

    Stuart 10H build

    I have heard about hard spots in the new Stuart castings also ,I never had a problem with the old castings so before the old company went out of business I bought two casting sets of every engine in the catalog , my father thought I was nuts for doing so . Great job on the repair.
  2. J

    Uni-flow steam engine castings

    i'm interested please email me at [email protected]
  3. J

    1-1/2 Steam Roller Long Term

    No worries with those castings they are old Stuart stock.
  4. J

    What type of boring head do yaw have?

    I have a 3" Bridgeport boring head , I like it because of the large easy to read dial .Jeff
  5. J

    A Stuart Beam Project . . .

    Harry, beautiful job on the Stuart Beam . You mention John McDivitt in your last post , John was a good friend of mine and he built 3 Stuart Major Beam engines in his lifetime .Jeff
  6. J

    Reid casting kit

    Nice start on a unique engine .I've been working on the 1/4 Scale version on this engine for some time now , I have included the clutch and power that Brad Smith offered.