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  1. radial1951

    Half Scale Ford Quadricycle Engine

    Well done Chris! A great achievement, but it never happened unless we see the video proof of it running! Merry Christmas to all engine builders. It's already the 25th here...:) Regards, RossG radial1951 _____________
  2. radial1951

    Half Scale Ford Quadricycle Engine

    Hi Chris Good to see some real progress. It will run just great. Back in your post #44 you showed your new DRO PRO. Curious, where did you buy it, and are you happy with it? I'm thinking of getting one for my mill. Regards, RossG radial1951 _____________
  3. radial1951

    Show Us Your Lathe

    Hi Sk8Ter That's a nice old Hendy. Any idea when it was built? Regards, RossG radial1951 _____________
  4. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Hi Chris, I think it would be pretty cool to make a part for an 1896 Ford on my 1913 Pratt & Whitney lathe... :) Nothing too testing for the old girl (or the operator!). If you can PM me an email contact we can organise it. Steve, I hope there will be a good response to your...
  5. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Steve, what a great idea! There must be lots of small-ish parts that can be made almost anywhere and posted to Chris. Even from Down Under! Having all those small parts ready at hand during final assembly could be a big help. Chris, that is of course, that you wouldn't mind having some...
  6. radial1951

    Building Kozo's New Shay locomotive

    * FWIW I got my copy from Karens Books at US$45.95 discount price. They post anywhere in the world no problem, the latest edition is in a fitted cardboard box, very safe. Here's the link ...
  7. radial1951

    Building Kozo's New Shay locomotive

    I've been lurking for some time, but I just have to say what a great thread this is with excellent detail photos. I recently got Kozo's magnificent book, yet it's good to see different photos and your perspective on the construction. Also your take on the machining and building setups add much...
  8. radial1951

    Half Scale Ford Quadricycle Engine

    Hi Chris, sorry for this very late reply to your question a few weeks ago. Yes, lubrication will certainly help, but I suspect the oil flying off will look like murky gold paint after a while! I was also thinking about the low strength of brass and the highly stressed area at the corner...
  9. radial1951

    Half Scale Ford Quadricycle Engine

    Hi Chris Great job so far, just as I expected after following your full size build. A question(or 2): What material did you use for the cylinders and did you machine the bores? That's a very long hole. Also, what happened to the photos in posts #1 & #5? A comment if I may. The crankpins...
  10. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Wow Chris, that is real progress! Must be a thrill for the students to see it coming together. I can't wait 'til you can slip the wheels under it and see you guys having rides around the carpark! Well done to them and yourself. Regards, RossG. radial1951 _____________
  11. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Hi Chris WOW! Just look at the welds on the water jackets. Perfect! Anything less than perfect and the Quad won't be a runner. I hope you have some pics of the welding being done, especially one of the welder with her handiwork. She deserves to be be immortalised here for her...
  12. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Hi Chris, that's a great idea and a manageable project. Half scale will be just nice to carry around. You have probably seen this one from Spain, , go to "products". Looks a bit bigger than half size, but nicely done. With various small (and...
  13. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Hi Chris Actually Dave Dunlavy soft soldered the water jackets to the cylinders, see pic below. The water fittings for the pipe connections were silver soldered. Soft solder should take the heat just fine, after all, many millions of car radiators are soft soldered together. The brass top...
  14. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Hi Chris Good job, it's starting to look like an engine! It will be a nice contrast to leave the hi-tech look of CNC machining and SS screws against the bed-iron chassis and tiller steering. I think Henry would approve. Have you considered any alternative to welding the water jackets to the...
  15. radial1951

    A V8 Maybe

    Pete, I wondered what that meant. Does that mean you can give me a premium subscription as a gift? That's very kind of you! Thanks heaps... I think I get it now. We all give each other a subscription, so we don't feel like we have to pay to be part of this forum, because someone else paid for...
  16. radial1951

    A V8 Maybe

    Brian, I'll be right behind you, along with many others I reckon. I couldn't find a "Private Forum" listed anywhere. Are any of you guys "Supporting Members"? I don't recall being granted 'free gift membership'. Regards, RossG radial1951 _____________
  17. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Henry's original Quad has 2 speeds. And no brakes! Low speed is the belt on the small pulley next to the flywheel, high speed uses the belt on the flywheel rim to the other small pulley on the jackshaft. If you carefully watch the video of the Greenfield Villiage replica driven by George...
  18. radial1951

    Gus's Rupnow Hit and Miss Engine.

    Well done Gus. Congratulations on your running success. I have been watching your posts since you bought the gear cutters for the Webster. You have inspired many people, including me, to build an engine, most likely Brian's H & M. Regards, RossG radial1951 _____________ ps any chance you...
  19. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Hi Graham Go to the 2 websites I posted before. There are lots of photos of almost every part of the Qudricycle. Have a look at the videos, you can see the control lever being used to start the Quad moving. (It's the tall lever in front of the driver) The arm with the small tensioning...
  20. radial1951

    Ford Quadricycle

    Hi Graham Henry's original Quad didn't have brakes. He had 2 speeds, with high range driven off the OD of the flywheel. The replicas built these days use the small wood high speed pulley for a band brake controlled from the belt tensioning lever. See photo below. These are great web sites for...