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  1. Propforward

    Ahoy Hoy From Not a New Member

    Hello! I joined this forum a long time ago, not long after it was first started. I have been inactive for a long time, choosing to post on some other forums. I would really like to get in a lot more discussion of machining methods and so on, so hopefully that can happen here, as I have not had...
  2. Propforward

    First Model Engine Completed - Elmer Number 25

    You are correct on the base - after seeing yours I wanted to do something beefier there. I thought for my next engine I might try Elmers number 14 with the wobble plate. It's a bit more complex, but not too much. I thought I might scale it up a bit, for no reason other than I feel like making a...
  3. Propforward

    First Model Engine Completed - Elmer Number 25

    Thanks folks, much appreciated. I managed to get a little short clip of it running on compressed air, which is here for your amusement. :D
  4. Propforward

    It´s eating fire!

    That is really superb!
  5. Propforward

    First Model Engine Completed - Elmer Number 25

    I am very happy to post pictures of my first completed engine. A very simple and straightforward wobbler project - Elmer number 25 in fact. woohoo1 This was a hugely rewarding project. It had just the right amount of challenges for a novice machinist, and really provided a great...
  6. Propforward

    First Engine Build - Elmer Wobbler Number 25

    I have both 3 and 4 jaw chucks. I used the 3 jaw for most of this engine, including the flywheel. The only thing machined on the 4 jaw was the cylinder. I was moving the form tool into the flywheel about 25 thou at a time, then cutting across the face, then moving in another 25 thou. The whole...
  7. Propforward

    First Engine Build - Elmer Wobbler Number 25

    Well I've put a bit more time into it. I had a go at cutting the crankshaft disc to shape, but that turned into a hideous failure, so for this engine I'm just going to leave the crankdisc as a plain circular disc. I don't think it will matter. The replacement crank and disc are made, and ready...
  8. Propforward

    Hello from Minnesota

    Hi Bill, welcome. I am in Minnesota as well, north of the cities. Sounds like a nice setup that you have.
  9. Propforward

    Brazed carbide boring bars

    If you say so.
  10. Propforward

    First Engine Build - Elmer Wobbler Number 25

    I have been making some progress, although I haven't posted about it in a while. I finally got to the crux of the matter, and did some work on the cylinder: I know it's not great, but on the other hand - first piece of work in a 4 jaw, which I think counts for something. I need...
  11. Propforward

    Brazed carbide boring bars

    Hm. That's what I was turning at, on a 3/8 bore. Going by what you say, and also others, I will see about dressing the bits up first, and see if that helps.
  12. Propforward

    Brazed carbide boring bars

    For my part, I am beginning to think my spindle speed was not high enough. I will be trying again at the weekend, looking forward to making more swarf.
  13. Propforward

    Brazed carbide boring bars

    I'm personally glad you posted this. I just got a set of carbide tipped boring bars. I had some success, but definitely problematic, but then again I'm new to machining. Had you not posted this thread, I might have assumed all the problems I was having were due to my inexperience, when in actual...
  14. Propforward

    Temperature, Colder than Absolute Zero

    If we freeze ice down to absolute zero, will it make my cocktail taste better?
  15. Propforward

    Went ahead knowing it was wrong

    Oooooooooooh yeah. Too often. These days I try and listen for myself saying "should be OK". Seems like that phrase precedes accidents all too often.
  16. Propforward

    site intermittently slooooowwwww

    Site is fine for me now! Thm: Yesterday it wouldn't load for me at all. The plus side was that I found out about the free HMEM iPhone app while I was trying to access the site from my phone. That's handy.
  17. Propforward

    pictures of My expense account (shop)

    There is just a ton of stuff packed into that shop. It's a really excellent workspace. Love it!
  18. Propforward

    pictures of My expense account (shop)

    That's awesome - I LOVE the tooling racks near the machines especially!
  19. Propforward

    Opinions on a milling machine

    Breaking news - Grizzly have just added a couple of mills / drills to their lineup. One of them is this: I have to tell you, I am quite excited about this mill, as it seems to have taken all my favourite aspects from the mills I have been...
  20. Propforward

    Elmer's #33 - a novice makes chips

    Thayer, Not only am I very impressed by the quality of work you are doing, but your posts with your step by step pictures are exceedingly helpful in understanding different approaches and techniques for set up. Great stuff.