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  1. JohnBDownunder

    Flywheel question

    Like Clockworkcheval suggests I have increased the mass of an aluminium flywheel with lead. In my case I drilled a series of 10mm holes concentric to the axis as close to the wheel rim as feasible then melted some lead to fill the holes with a light skim to tidy up. Worked for me and created...
  2. JohnBDownunder

    Farm Boy running

    To me (in my minuscule experience), it sounds about right and as has been said by Engine Maker above it will increase in revs after running in. I think these are a great little engine. Plan to make one some time in the not too distant future if life stops getting in the way. I thought being...
  3. JohnBDownunder

    Got my Shay finished

    Fair enough Paul. That pesky thing called "Work" does get in the way at times. Fortunately, when I became "surplus to requirements" Christmas 2000 I was almost retirement age here in OZ. Some financial advice helped me get to be fully retired and that is when I got to play in my playpen...
  4. JohnBDownunder

    Got my Shay finished

    Thanks for posting this. I have always liked the complexity and concept of these rather specialized steam locos. You really must have great patience - a 10 year project is way beyond my attention span. Not to mention skill set. Thanks again. John B.
  5. JohnBDownunder

    CNC Mach 3 Parallel port replacement

    I also have the real UC100 and it does intermittently come up with, "UC100 not responding" and this seems to require a re-start of Mach3. So something more stable would be preferred. A PCI card would not work in my case as my cnc lathe runs on an old laptop. When I do change to an old desktop...
  6. JohnBDownunder

    Finished Silver Bullet

    I can only echo the positive comments above, great runner and your smooth use of the turntable gave us a good view. Thanks for posting. I can only aspire to one day get something made as well. ALWAYS great when we get a runner.
  7. JohnBDownunder


    He he, Reading Gordon's post Is it not strange / peculiar how it always seems to be the ladies whose clothes get burnt??? 🤪 Oh, I know! It is because they are fussing about the right clothes to look good escaping the fire unlike the blokes who just jump into whatever is nearest and get going.
  8. JohnBDownunder

    Non-piston steam engines

    Thanks Richard, "Organized" is relative and somewhat necessary in such a small space. However, what I did not show is the utter chaos on my workbench at the other end of my shed. I even resort to putting a piece of kitchen bench (a sink cutout) on top of my vise to get some work space. Then I do...
  9. JohnBDownunder

    Non-piston steam engines

    Hi Richard, My playpen is a garden shed about 3x2metre into which I have crammed a Chinese clone of the Seig C2 lathe, a Seig X2 mill, drill press, belt sander, 150mm bench grinder. Plus a workbench etc, etc. Nothing is more than 3 paces away. In Fact I can turn around from the mill or lathe to...
  10. JohnBDownunder

    Non-piston steam engines

    I certainly can understand making this at 150%. I find much of Elmer's models are really small and can be really challenging to get right. Mostly because I'm still a novice at this fascinating hobby and fiddly stuff is a real challenge. Still I am getting there - snail's pace?? Don't care, I'm...
  11. JohnBDownunder

    Clayton Steam Wagon completted

    Thank you, an aquaintance restored a full size one here in OZ so memories recalled.
  12. JohnBDownunder

    Sieg SX2 or SX2.7

    Hi Nikhil, Well you are certainly not the first, nor will you be that last to chip an end mill loosening the collet nut. I finally got into the habit of putting a piece of old fabric material on the table or vise before loosening the collet nut. If the bit falls it hopefully lands on the...
  13. JohnBDownunder

    Hello there

    Welcome From the Land Downunder too. Seems to me that you have a life making model engines. BUT it just could be that I and many members of this forum are ever so slightly biased. Nice looking models and if anything like the rest of us you get a kick out of them running. John B 👍
  14. JohnBDownunder

    Werowance attempts Upshur Vertical Single

    Isn't it great when you test a DIY tool and get good results first up! Good Job, John B
  15. JohnBDownunder

    Scratch building the Hicks Oscillator

    Have to agree that this is a beautiful engine and something to aspire to. Thanks for posting. Actually, I Don't have to at all, I WANT to. ;)
  16. JohnBDownunder

    Scratch building the Hicks Oscillator

    Don't knock Gumption too hard. As far as I know, it breaks down during use, can be flushed out with water and any residue is unlikely to give you grief. I keep swiping a bit from the wife's cleaning cupboard and find it great stuff. John B
  17. JohnBDownunder

    Scratch building the Hicks Oscillator

    I have a question! Have you found cold spots (Bleedin hard areas) in the cast iron weights? I've heard that this is common and some folk toss them into a fire to red heat and allow to cool gradually for this reason. I have certainly found them in the old cast window sash weights. I Believe...
  18. JohnBDownunder

    Scratch building the Hicks Oscillator

    Hi Peter, I too have just found your post and these steam / air engines are fun to watch. Build logs are great but I get too involved in the actual build (usually fixing my oops results) to actually document any. I'm a novice and learn lots from this forum, toss in my "hopefully helpful" two...
  19. JohnBDownunder

    Mini Oilcan

    Really cute oil can. I built a copy of the Eagle Oil Can, same principle but bigger. John B
  20. JohnBDownunder

    PDF's L-cheapo ignition

    Ron W, Well that's another name I have never heard of, Should ask my model engineering club if anyone there knows what a Newfie Vernier is. Could be interesting. Sometimes I get intrigued that we speak the English language and have so many variations in so called common items...