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  1. G

    Taig Lathe Modifications

    Thank you, yes I found out also about the 'just under .500"' thing when I bought my Taig and didn't have a way to mount the drill chuck (no dead centre supplied). Had to semi crudely file/sand down some .500 rod to made an interim drill chuck arbour. Seems a strange decision but I suppose...
  2. G

    Taig Lathe Modifications

    I really enjoy your videos. The other forums are missing out on your creativity! Did you have to bore out the tailstock hole for the collet chuck? I am decidedly unhappy with the drill chuck in ts idea, i need a much better solution. Collet chucks are less $ than decent drill chucks. Gerrit
  3. G

    Thank you Canadians!!

    You're not a true Canadian if you have never gone winter camping, on snowshoes backpacking everything 5 miles into the bush:p gerrit
  4. G

    Tool grinding persective

    Learning to dimension would be even more useful. Some of the hobby-produced CAD drawings are useless. Gerrit
  5. G

    Homemade cutting oil???

    A good alternative is a peristaltic pump. Search eBay, they are generally below $12 with free shipping. A variable power supply controls the flow rate. gerrit
  6. G

    Common Scrap Steel

    McKinnon Metals in Toronto does this. Not sure I got 50% off but $20 got me a lot of CR steel and 6061 Al off cuts. Gerrit
  7. G

    Creating .pdf files

    Windows 7 and 8 provide a Save to PDF option as part of the printer dialog, you don't need Acrobat (full) or other add-ons. You don't need to switch to Apple or Linux to do this. The time you save not making the switch is best used making more chips. Gerrit
  8. G

    Power Hack Saw Flee Market Find

    Awesome reminder, I never thought of those places as a source of tools. I have placed reminders to check dates for each show, Thank you.
  9. G

    Power Hack Saw Flee Market Find

    IronHorse, how does one find out about these interesting markets in the area? I assume that there is a lot more than automotive items there. I am in Toronto as well. Gerrit
  10. G

    Turning small diameter

    Old inkjet printers are a great source of small diameter rods. I recently recycled 3 HP inkjets, netted me a nice selection of 12, 8, 6 and 5 mm rods and even a few short 2 mm ones. Gerrit
  11. G

    V8 split ditributor

    The older V8 Ferrari's (1974-1980) often had 2 distributors each with its own coil, one for each bank. Using a photo interrupter and a simple disc with 4 holes would do the job, then use electronic advance. The bigger problem is making the cap. Ferrari V8's also use a flat crank (easier...
  12. G

    Hello from Ontario, Canada.

    Welcome to the group Kieth and KStrauss. I am in Toronto, seems to be a growing number of us Ontarions here. Gerrit
  13. G

    I'm getting really angry at my computer

    Hi, I feel for you, iTunes is not the easiest to install in some cases. The 'Another install' message means one of the uninstalls still needs to perform a few steps, this generally occurs when you reboot. (The files are in-use and can't be deleted). It is probable that you could install...
  14. G

    Not one mention of ArnoldB

    Our visit to Namibia in 2010 is one of the highlights of our travels. The deserts, the climb up Dune 7, the vegetation that feeds off only fog and then at very specific altitudes. Gerrit
  15. G

    Chinese tb6560 driver board

    Stay away from those blue boards, they have a myriad of issues, not least of which is the opto isolators. While jumpering them might improve performance, you now have no isolation! Adding gates, etc is not a solution. The red board's only known issue is that to get full speed from the V3 boards...
  16. G

    Links to FREEBIE books

    An excellent resource indeed. Thank you. I downloaded the 1941 Machinerys Handbook from there just now! Ken, what page in the 1943 book describes using the lathe for worm gears? I am hoping it is close to that page in the 1941 version :) Gerrit