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  1. C

    What's in Two Shop Masters: Frank Mclean and Philip Duclos

    Jack 157 pages of tools and tips by Frank McLean Duclos engines Little blazer Hula-Hula Topsy-turvy Gearless hit and miss Maverick A Victorian engine Very detailed instructions, a worthwhile book. Now that I have it out I must reread it. Peter
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    Shelly's 1/3 Woodpecker hit and miss engine

    George; I don't know if my amateurish answer will help much but I am currently working on a Woodpecker myself. I ended up with 6.1585" crank center to deck height. I arrived at this by the non scientific approach of trying to center the plug in the boss and maintaining the distance of the...
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    Stuart S50 pictures - Reconditioned engine

    That's quite a find Andrew, great restoration job. :bow: Looking forward to seeing it run, maybe even at a local show sometime Peter
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    Upshur twin

    Hi Mati; Ignition is using the breaker points as set out in the plans, a 6v automotive coil, condenser (capacitor), and a 6v lantern battery. I use this on other engines also with no troubles. The carburetor is to the drawings also, it has no air bleed or capacity to meter fuel to throttle...
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    Upshur twin

    el No reason for the piston skirts, just something to try. Thank you everyone else for your kind comments Sorry about the picture quality, will try to improve Peter
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    Upshur twin

    But there is one seems you went ahead and built the thing without taking us along and providing build pics along the way! How can we be sure you didn't buy it off eBay? :big: ...sorry, couldn't resist... -Trout Funny guy, Mr. Trout :big: I didn't take many pictures during...
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    Upshur twin

    Pictures of my finished Upshur opposed twin Video Peter
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    Polishing Milled Parts

    John; Don't stop at 800 grit, I wet sand 600, 1200, and finish with 2000 grit. After that a little time with a suitable metal polish and buff with a soft rag. Should bring a bright shine. Peter
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    Small V8

    Steve I have used windshield mounting urathane to make battery cable boots, about the same consistency as RTV silicone. Sets up quick and very tough. Peter
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    Inverted Hit n Miss Engine, Compressed Air

    Very nice design and build, it would put on quite a show on steam! I love IC. but you have me thinking about a compressed air engine now. Peter
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    Beware U.S. postal charges

    I agree with Dean, exorbitant shipping costs are the result of sellers marking up. Many want to charge the same 60.00 or more to ship to Canada also. Sometimes sellers will negotiate if you go to USPS and calculate the proper rate first. And yes I have bought tooling from Oz. and Hong Kong for...
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    Silver Solder Supplier

    That's where I get mine, great service. 45% with cad. flows out as well as easyflo 45. Without cad. does not flo as well. Peter
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    What is wrong with 3-48 ?

    Hilmar; American model engineering supply for scale hardware Peter
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    Favourite Tool suppliers in Ontario, Canada

    Andrew Check out Sowa Tools, their catalogue is online, they supply namebrand and offshore tooling. I am sure there are dealers in Woodstock, I know Ideal supply ( Napa ) on Landsdown just north of Dundas St. Can order from them. Peter
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    Hello From Ontario

    Wayne I should have guessed the Harley answer from your user name, I ask because a Friend in Woodstock is into Nortons etc. always on the lookout for him. I have a Shooting star 3 axis DRO on my mill, transfered from my mill/drill. Seven years old and never a problem, quite user friendly...
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    Hello From Ontario

    Wayne, Welcome from Stratford Ontario. Do you specialise in Harleys,or others too? Peter
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    Shaeffer's Little York hit and miss engine

    George I am not sure if this helps but this is what has worked for my small hit and miss engines. I have found if I make the body of carb/atomiser a little longer and slightly larger OD, and add a series of fine cooling fins I have overcome the heating problem. I run them for quite long periods...
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    Why didn't I know this?

    Very interesting that you posted this, just today I was looking at how I could add a caliper readout to my 12x36 it has the very same problem. It is an oriental import sold by King tools, a Canadian importer of machine tools. Peter
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    Does anyone make a FM dishpan kit?

    Layne I have a Z spoke flywheel and a dishpan, they are essentially the same engine. Canadian model engineering has a casting set with spoke flywheels, you could build easily build the dishpan flywheels. If you consider this I could get measurements and pictures of the real ones for you...
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    Polishing flat aluminum

    Jamie Finish by hand polishing with Autosol polish, you will be amazed. Peter