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  1. W

    Absolutely chuffed to bits!

    Today I cut my very first metric single point thread! :big: I have been working a 3 3/4" diameter lump of mystery steel down into the shape of an ER32 collet chuck for my 7x12 for the past several days. Today I finished turning the collet boss to diameter (40 mm or 1.575 for us Colonial types)...
  2. W

    Major blunder OT

    And another Marine gets his transfer papers to Heaven. Semper Fi Marine! RIP Now we need to lynch a few *********!!! >:(
  3. W

    Help for Shaky Hands.

    That is a great idea! I am going to put one together out of an extra QCTP tool holder so it is always ready to use. Thanks! :bow:
  4. W

    What are These?

    It looks like someone took old endmills and ground them down to use as center punches.
  5. W

    It was bound to happen sooner or later.

    I was feeding. In 3 years with this machine I had never had the need to run so close to the headstock and I just ran out of road. Live and learn I guess. I just completed a metal spindle gear / tapered roller bearing upgrade last week. Who knows what may have happened with 3 year old used/abused...
  6. W

    It was bound to happen sooner or later.

    You gotta' remember that this set doesn't include the (2) 80 tooth gears that you need to complete the all metal gear changeover. They are an extra $22 a piece from LMS. All in all I saved about $7 over the LMS sale price by ordering from a different source. (Sorry Chris, I am loyal but funds...
  7. W

    Shoulda done this before facing off that flywheel...

    Hmmm...I may have to try that. ;D
  8. W

    Shoulda done this before facing off that flywheel...

    Nice mod! :bow: I notice there is no handle on your carriage handwheel...removed for clearance?
  9. W

    It was bound to happen sooner or later.

    I broke one of the 80 tooth gears on my 7x12 yesterday. I was working on my homebrew ER32 collet chuck when it happened. I was paying a little too much attention to the cut and not enough to how close I was getting to the headstock. I am just so used to having a 4 inch chuck on the spindle...
  10. W

    mini lathe cross slide gibs

    The gib arrangement on the 7x lathes sucks. Put tapered gibs on it and eliminate all your problems.
  11. W

    Smooth cuts??

    Tiny little paper airplanes? :big:
  12. W

    Grizzly $25 DRO Query

    I just finished (after several months of them collecting dust) installing the iGaging DRO's on all 3 axes on my x2 mini mill. Z and Y work great, X...not so much. It is in full speed runaway mode apparently. It behaves as if the table is in constant motion. I switched out to one of the other...
  13. W

    Face Mill

    You didn't mention the number of inserts the cutter uses. Running the cutter with a less than full compliment of inserts will reduce the load and allow the cutter to run more smoothly. Going down to a single insert effectively converts the face mill into a carbide fly cutter. I have a little x2...
  14. W


    So...your mom is Mother Tucker then? :o
  15. W

    Aquarium air pumps

    Not trying to hijack here, but do you think the little airbrush compressors would be enough for running a small mist cooler? I would like to have mist capability on my x2 without having to run the big compressor.
  16. W

    To type the ° symbol---

    °°°° COOL!! °°°° :bow:
  17. W

    Diameter for Threading.

    That is only a difference of .005" per side. The material may vary that much (or more). I was taught to always use the full major diameter. If you are using a die to cut the threads you should be using a split die opened up to cut over-sized, then gradually tighten the die until it is on size. A...
  18. W

    Diameter for Threading.

    The major diameter of the thread is the size of your material. a 3/4-10 requires 3/4" material, a 1/2-13 requires 1/2" and so forth. This is for male threads of course, if you are tapping holes get a chart. ;)
  19. W

    Minor Rant on Electric Mowers

    Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!! I purchased our first electric mower this year and love everything except the cord. Your mods will correct that, plus allow me to mount the handle at a steeper angle to make it easier to push. They built the thing for someone about 5'2" and I am 6" even.
  20. W

    Grizzly $25 DRO Query

    It's TASTY. :big: