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  1. K

    Drive Springs

    Thanks John. The price for a drive spring on the link I quoted is only one pound fifty so price isn't really an issue. Thanks for your offer of a 4mm spring but the pulley attached to the drive wheel only has a width of 1/8" (3.2mm). What is your opinion regarding these drive springs - Do they...
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    Drive Springs

    Thanks Cogsy, I hadn't thought of oil seals. In the meantime I've found a site selling Mamod bits and pieces which sells drive springs - As far as centre distance is concerned, if I were to use an O ring I'd make one to...
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    Drive Springs

    Hi All, About 7-8 years ago I bought a set of castings and a set of plans for a Traction Engine relatively cheaply from a firm called Steamech which was based in Christchurch here in New Zealand. From what I can gather the company has since ceased trading (I think that was the reason...
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    Elmers #33

    I have made one of Elmers engines with the valve setup you have. If I were to do it again I think I would be tempted to soft solder the steam chest onto the engine. I had a problem when setting up the position of the valve by observing it with the cover off. The same screws hold the cover and...
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    Loctite and brass

    Probably not the right site to talk about shellac as a wood varnish - but I'm a real fan. For years I used polyurethane on wood. It was OK but once the can got less than 2/3 full it formed a skin and needed to be strained before use. And of course the brush needed cleaning afterwards as well...
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    Finished Brian Rupnow's Twin Cylinder Engine

    Hi Brian, I'm not keen on using photobucket or youtube both of which want an E-mail address. I don't get much in the way of spam because I don't stick my head up much on the net - I don't use facebook or twitter either. Alan C.
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    Finished Brian Rupnow's Twin Cylinder Engine

    Hi, I have a video but it is about 80 Mb. I don't have a youtube or photobucket account so I would need to upload it onto this site in the same way as the photos. I'm not sure if this is OK or not. Regards, Alan C.
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    Finished Brian Rupnow's Twin Cylinder Engine

    Hi all, Brian Rupnow was kind enough to send me a set of drawings for his twin cylinder horizontal engine. I finished it a couple of days ago. The main departure from Brian's concept is the cylinders. His drawings call for a piece of 3" x 1" brass which I didn't have and which I would...
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    Diamond Grinding Wheel Balancing

    Hi, What about making an offset arbour to make the OD of the wheel run true? Alan C.
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    Inserted Carbide Parting-off Tool

    Tubal Cain has done a series of videos on parting. He tried a carbide tool and was surprised at how well it did. Regards, Alan C.
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    Force from a piston

    Thanks all. I thought that the area on the piston occupied by the rod would affect the force but I wasn't sure. On a 1/2" piston a 1/4" rod has an area which is 25% of the piston, 3/16" is 14% and 1/8" is 6%. I think 3/16" is starting to get into the negligible range. The comment about air...
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    Force from a piston

    Hi All, Can anyone tell me whether the force from the piston is affected by the size of the piston rod? For example if you have a 1/2" diameter piston (area .196 square inches) and a 1/4" piston rod (area .049 square inches) is the effective piston area only .196 - .049 = .147 square...
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    Simple Trick for Band Sawing to a Layout

    Kerosene is a good lubricant for Aluminium. Alan C.
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    Engine Plans for a Beginner

    Here is a link to an engine sutable for beginners. They don't come much simpler than this and the instructions are clear. Regards, Alan C.
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    Lathe shaver??

    If you make a mandrel which has an OD the same as the actual ID of the plastic pipe, and jam the pipe over it, the outside of the pipe should then be round and you can machine it flat. If you take fine cuts with a sharp tool, the friction between the pipe and the mandrel should be enough to hold...
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    Orca LPG Torch

    Hi, Has anyone had experience with an Orca LPG torch? My existing primus torch which screws directly into a small LPG bottle is about 50 years old and has developed a disturbing tendency to sprout flames from either the connection or the control...
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    Asbestos and Stuart Boilers

    Back in the good old days before asbestos was hazardous I made and insulated a small electric furnace in a lab. The insulation consisted of a mixture of loose asbestos and a solution of sodium silicate (water glass). It had the consistency of a thick paste. It was applied to the outside of the...
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    Asbestos and Stuart Boilers

    Hi, Ceramic fibre can be used as a direct replacement for asbestos. It comes as either a blanket or boards. If you're in the UK here is a source of supply. Regards, Alan C.
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    Looks a nice little unit. My old Unimat V10P in near the end of its useful life so I'm looking for a replacement. I've been putting it off because of the horror stories you hear about some of the rubbish out in the marketplace, so I'll be following this thread with interest. I watched a video...
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    Homemade vise wide and low

    Thanks for clearing up the procedure Jens and Bazmak. I'll certainly make one of these. I always have problems getting supplies of bright steel but I reckon I could use pieces of keysteel which is readily available for this. Regards, Alan C.