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  1. bazmak

    Myford lathes help and advice for Bazmak

    Of course the short ml7 leadscrew would have go on the ml7bed which is 5/8" as against the 3/4" leadscrew on the super 7 This would mean changinging swapping the half nuts as well? I know the leadscrew has to be reduced when fitting a qc gearbox but the 16mm dia end is the same for both.Also the...
  2. bazmak

    Myford lathes help and advice for Bazmak

    Thanks Norm I have it my mind that it can be done.However don't want to strip down 2 lathes and find theres a problem
  3. bazmak

    Myford lathes help and advice for Bazmak

    I am in the process of restoring a no of Myford lathes.Currently I have a super 7b long bed (I Don't want a long bed) and a couple of ML7s. I would like to keep a super 7 and gearbox,question are the beds interchangeable Can I swap the long bed on the super7 for a short bed on an ml7 and vice...
  4. bazmak

    Myford spindle information

    The spigot on the adaptor plate should be shorter than the depth of the recess on the chuck
  5. bazmak

    Myford spindle information

    For all the fancy geometry and maths just measure the bore on any chuck etc and cut the thread to fit the spindle.Its the 1.25 dia and back face that does the accurate locating
  6. bazmak

    Soldering or brazing aluminium help

    Anybody tried the new sintered rods that are being heavily advertised at the moment for alum and zinc based metals.They certainly seem the bees knees but not cheap
  7. bazmak

    Bazmak-Lathe or mill Nylon T nuts/covers

    Yes its a beautiful stand and restored well,i would like to keep it I fitted riser blocks to the existing cast drip tray and then made and fitted a new 3mm drip tray to accept the latest ML7 I have just finished restoring.The stand has the original cast brkt to accept the myford drum switch
  8. bazmak

    Husky toolbox as lathe stand

    The heavier headstock end is directly over the LH side of the trolley but it does look a little off balance Its easy to shuffle over a little but its not ideal to use the the lathe as is on it,i did it for manouverability etc while I was rebuilding it.I have made some replaceable legs when I...
  9. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    I found with this one its not the motor power that is insufficient but belt slip Quite useable at the moment but rubber coated drive roller might improve things For the price its a nice piece of kit.Perfect for light sanding and drill sharpening etc
  10. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    Yes john that looks like a nice homemade linisher
  11. bazmak

    Taking Chinese 3 Jaw Metal Lathe chuck apart for cleaning

    Hi shopshoe,the first 7x14 lathe I bought had a spindle to suit the 80mm chucks However further down the line the second one I bought had a 100mm chuck This I understand is now std/more common and much more suited to the size of the lathe I fitted the the 80mm chuck to my homemade rotary table.I...
  12. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    Yes no problem Brian,that is why we produced them. Just as a matter of interest I have had 1 or 2 adverse comments on the shaper.Mainly saying it was a waste of time and why not get a mill,or I could remove more matl with a file I replied that models are not intended to do useful work but...
  13. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    When I left the UK Durex was a condom,in Australia it was sticky tape
  14. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    A linisher is a belt sander. Linisher more often used for sanding metal and sander usually used to linish metal
  15. bazmak

    Taking Chinese 3 Jaw Metal Lathe chuck apart for cleaning

    The Chinese chucks are well worth the money but its worth the effort to strip down and clean I also take off the sharp edges even the gear teeth.As has been said a light coat of grease once tried oil and learned by my mistake it tends to get thrown everywhere
  16. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    Don't know where the 6000rpm comes from but I doubt very much its anywhere near However the vari speed is very handy and will be used more at the top end. I finished modding the 2nd side to accept 50mm wide belts and it was very handy having one side to use while the other side is dismantled.I...
  17. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    Even if the 950w is overstated,it has enough oomf to not stall like my 25w grinder does Just spent a pleasant few hrs making a start on the mods.I bolted a piece of alum to the end of the drive pulley and then machined it down to accept a 50mm wide belt.The machine has no adjustment to...
  18. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    I think mine came from Vic or NSW not all the way from China must be a stockist over your way.Cheap at the price
  19. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    Going over what I have and what I will do to it I think it will be a little gem Grinders and linishers with say 0.5hp motors bog down very easily so with 1.25hp and vari speed I think this will work great for shaping mild steel items etc and a smooth belt works well for cleaning up screw after...
  20. bazmak

    Bazmak - A chinese mini linisher

    Don't understand what you mean by having a channel and subs added To post a video on this forum I understood you had to upload on utube first I have posted some videos of my passion steam locomotives but its all trual and error with me as im not very good with computers Improvements to the...