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  1. bazmak

    Cirrus V8 rotary valve engine build 2x scale up

    Yes I would say there is no reason why you cannot make an oversize piston to suit cylinder 8 as long as they are clearly marked I was very limited with commercial available springs and used the lightest I could get,however I think they are still too strong If you read back thru the post Chuck...
  2. bazmak

    My opinion in a couple of thread

    I would also note that sometimes the message intent can be easily misconstrued IE offence can be easily taken when none is intended.
  3. bazmak

    My opinion in a couple of thread

    I pefer respectful wrong answers/comments to obnoxious correct ones.Right or wrong we still learn something
  4. bazmak

    What kind if splined shaft is this ?

    Could the male and female shafts be drilled together and when taken apart pins fitted to the male to form the splines ???
  5. bazmak

    lathe chuck back plate

    My opinion No
  6. bazmak

    Thread Turning.

    I find that you can sometimes get suitable plumbing fittings at your local hardware store that can be machined down
  7. bazmak

    BAZMAK-Diary of a Myford ML7 lathe restoration

    Well i have sold Myford no2 and have recouped my total outlay on all 3 myfords and i have myford no 3 for free. Myford no 3 is the best of the bunch and i have just finish the mods previously started and mentioned Th thrust brgs arrived from China today. For both the cross slide and compound i...
  8. bazmak

    Leveling lathe on uneven floor before a CNC retrofit. Suggestions?

    Usually use 1" dia bar sticking out about 8" With the light cuts involved you wont get any measurable deflection Maybe slightly from the chuck/Hstock bearings depending on condition.I test bar and dial indicator will give more accurate results but the light cuts give more of an indication during...
  9. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    Thanks Baron,from the start i knew the idea was good but also thought i would not be able to anneal the jaws. I would not have tried it if i didnt have any use for the chuck but waste not want not The sanou 6 " chuck with rev bolt on jaws would make an ideal receiver for new soft jaws but 6" is...
  10. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    Your play on words that you should chuck it maybe gave me the wrong impression that you had a worn chuck.Buying 2 sets of soft jaws gave me the impression that you were more playing at it Hope i have not upset you Norm
  11. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    SUCCESS. Using a Mapp gas with oxygen i managed to heat the 2 jaws to cherry red local to the tapped holes and allowed to cool slowly while i played the flame on for about 10mins before the oxy ran out Reading the instructions it says that the oxy will last 10 to 20mins.Dont think i will be...
  12. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    Norm ,in answer to your dillema with a worn chuck.Using soft jaws should overcome the wear/inacuracy of the chuck When the soft jaws are tightened on a piece of bar and the jaws machined to a certain dia to be turned then the chuck will be accurate AT THAT DIAMETER only. Please comment if i am...
  13. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    Will answer again your comment Pisrol Broke.Any chuck can have a variety of materials in different sizes to be used to protect items being turned. Soft jaws are a totally different concept for holding thin ring washers and pre turned parts securely and accurately for machining.They are designed...
  14. bazmak

    Leveling lathe on uneven floor before a CNC retrofit. Suggestions?

    As Baron says the word level is not being correctly used the removing of bed twist is the critical factor The twist can be measured/removed easier if the lathe is level.If the lathe is raised say 50mm at the tailstock it wont affect anything.Someone posted on tilting the mini lathe forward at...
  15. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    Thanks for your comments.Just to reitterate.The chuck is good quality with little wear.I had little use for it as it only had outside jaws and no adaptor plate. I am not taking the expensive/time consuming way to make a silk purse out of a sows ear.If successful then a dedicated soft jaw chuck...
  16. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    I would like to try annealing the jaws Norm so i can drill and tap the other 2 as the first What sort of heat do you think i would need.Dont have oxy acet but have a mapp gas bottle Dont think it would be sufficent to heat the jaw to red heat but maybe local to the tapped hole Its something i...
  17. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    Yes flame cutting leaves a hardened edge and is best ground before machining. These jaws will last me a lifetime and i believe are superior to alum jaws for accuracy.Aluminiun is best for protecting delicate parts Thes jaws will be used mainly for holding thin discs or washers or when a turned...
  18. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    Well after 3 hrs of hard work my dedicated soft jaw chuck is almost finished.Considering i had no use for this chuck and was ready to give it away with a myford sale i am very happy with the result of all the hard work.It hasnt cost me anything and will hopefully give me a useful dedicated soft...
  19. bazmak

    Cheap soft jaws for a 3 jaw chuck

    Yes it surprised me.I checked the jaw no 1 and it was soft.Like a fool i proceeded on that basic without checking the other 2. They were pot hard.Look to be the same set.Bit of a suprise I hacksawed as much as i could and wore out 3 blades.Very time consuming and difficult with severe...
  20. bazmak

    Leveling lathe on uneven floor before a CNC retrofit. Suggestions?

    You can level the lathe but you cant take out any twist in bed unless the lathe/stand is bolted to a base or concrete floor.Althoug rubber in incompressable it will squeeze.The important part is to remove the bed twist the easiest way is to LEVEL everthing. In theory the lathe can be on an...