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  1. R

    Better than Money in the Bank?

    I don't mean put it in a bank !!! I used to put all my $2.00 coins in a tin (In Australia they are smaller than a Nickel) After a year I bought new furniture for my living room...another year later I bought machinery...didn't even notice the saving happening because it was all loose change. As...
  2. R

    Better than Money in the Bank?

    Just put a bit away each week and before you know'll have more then what you started with !
  3. R

    Model Steam engine use make free power for you shop

    what about helium 3 ha ha ha ha
  4. R

    Wind back to 2300 BC

    Rubbish ! Look at Fred Flintstones car...his bearings didn't even have keepers. They still can't do that today !;D
  5. R

    Making lathe from scratch and using mild steel plate? Why use cast iron?

    Didn't Tubal Cain write some books about building a lathe from scrap; then other books about making a mill with the lathe and so on ! Or was it Dave Gingery ?
  6. R

    Let there be light!

    HOLY DOOLEY those prices are ridiculous......have a search on they are sure to have them cheap.
  7. R

    Ac-dc tig welder

    Entropy455 you are in the USA......It's totally different here in Australia. Particularly in the 'nanny state' N.S.W. I grew up with a dad that was a panel beater (auto body repair man) He taught me all the safety stuff about acetylene and oxy. NOW I tried to buy the bottles and the speedgas...
  8. R

    Ac-dc tig welder

    I asked them about doing the purchase bottle idea with oxy / acetelene as well and they said those bottles can be left outside and rust so become time bombs. no go !
  9. R

    Desktop Electric Motor out of scrap parts.

    That's great !!! considering your title ? is HYTECH ha ha ha
  10. R

    Hit me - Miss me?

    Ha Ha Just after I added the question it dawned on me..."Hit & Miss" the valve is sucked open. Thanks for the explanation anyway. I'm new to all this and I'm learning heaps....very enjoyable way to waste some late night time.
  11. R

    Hit me - Miss me?

    what works the other valve ?
  12. R

    Storage on a budget.

    That's some pretty industrial window bars you got there......bad neighbourhood ?
  13. R

    Mini steam spideriia

    Oooh yess...Upscale a little and build out of metal...(make plans) and we will all want one ! ha ha ha
  14. R

    Home mad boliers

    Send in a request to Mythbusters...they love to blow stuff up !