Isn't that the idea of using risers. They hold metal to feed the actual casting as it cools so you would expect to see the shrinkage in the tops of the risers which means they have done their job
Bob Puhakka mentions in his video series that with aluminum, it is important to have an unbroken laminar flow into the mold cavity that does not break the solid bifilm surface of the metal.
Turbulence breaks the bifilm, and churns it into the molten metal, with will cause defects in the casting.
Sometimes the defects are visible in a sectioned castings, and sometimes they show up under magnification, but defects are present if you break up the bifilm during the pour.
This is why it is critical not to stir an aluminum melt in the crucible when it is melting; you are just stirring bifilms into the molten metal.
The velocity of the metal must be controlled, else the metal will spray into the mold cavity through the gates, which causes many defects.
One way to control velocity is to use a filter like olfoundryman is using.
One good way to churn a lot of bifilms into the metal is to use a pour basin, which rolls the metal over onto itself, entraining the films into the metal.
You never want to churn or roll aluminum as it is flowing into the mold.
The bottom of the sprue should transition smoothly into the runner(s), without an abrubt change in section.
I pour directly down the spure, without using a pour basin.
While the initial surge of metal down the sprue will have entrained air and bifilms in it, once the sprue is full, it will not have entrained air in it, and will have minimal bifilms if the lip of the crucible is at or touching the top of the sprue.
The initial entrained air and bifilms travel down the runners, which are lower than the gates, and flow into the spin traps, where loose sand, bifilms, entrained air, etc. are spun around and trapped. The spin trap is open to the top of the mold.
Molten metal does not begin to enter the mold cavity until the runner system has been swept, has been preheated by the flow of metal, and until the molten metal reaches the gates, which are at the top of the runner.
I use V-shaped runners to enhance the sweeping effect, and to allow the runner to pull from the sand mold.
I don't use a filter, but rather use the gates for velocity control.
I use somewhat thin and wide gates, and try to feed the mold cavity from two sides if possible.
The mold cavity should fill as fast as possible, but without any splashing or turbulence (laminar fill).
You can see splashing and turbulence in some of the computer fill simulations, and that needs to be avoided.
One benefit of using the gates for velocity control is that the dimensions of the sprue and runners are not critical, since they are not for flow control.
I see a lot of people running all sorts of calculations for exact sizes for the sprue top and bottom, the runners, etc., and none of that is really required.
You just have to be in the ballpark with sprue and runner sizes, and be sure the sprue is not too large, else it will not remain full, and will aspirate air.
There should not be any basins, or abrupt turns or changes in dimension of the runners beyond the bottom of the sprue.
Everything should be very smooth to produce a laminar flow.
I lay out any required risers after laying out the sprue, runners, and spin traps.
The riser is generally connected to parts of the casting that may be thicker than the remaining casting areas.
I don't add risers if I don't think they are necessary.
The green twin base was a large thin casting, with a few bosses on top, and no risers were used when casting it, and there were no shrinkage defects.
I suspect that pistons can be successfully cast with no risers.
The fact that olfoundryman's risers are full of defects would seem to indicate that the pour basin is churning a lot of air and bifilms into the melt, which are settling into the riser.
The filter does nothing to remove entrained air from the melt.
While the spin trap looks like a riser, its purpose is to catch the initial sweep of the sprue/runners, including slag, loose sand, entrained air, and churned bifilms.
You should never seen all that material flow into a real riser, because if all that is flowing into the riser, then there is a good change it may be flowing into the mold cavity.
A riser is not designed to capture material, but olfoundryman's runner does seem to enter the bottom of the riser at a bit of an angle, which is how a spin trap is set up (runner is on a tangent to the spin trap centerline).
But a spinning vortex of defects should not be rising up next to the gates.
The fact that olfoundryman's riser happened to catch some trash just proves that he has a lot of trash flowing where it should not be.
(photo below is a screencapture from olfoundryman's video, and shows his runners, filter, gates, etc.)