Here is another crankcase casting.
Casting the crankcase would be easy, and you could core it also without much trouble.
Casting a cylinder and/or cylinder head with fins would be more challenging, especially at a small scale.
The head would be easier to mold than the cylinder.
When you get into this small of a scale, you may need to think about investment casting, or a lost wax/PLA casting.
I have seen some amazing castings from the hardware store lost foam method, but not on a small scale.
The hardware store lost foam method is a rough approximation of the expanded beads used for commercial lost foam castings, and so don't expect as good of results as the expanded beads if you use hardware store foam.
The hardware store lost foam method also fills very slowly, and I wonder if there are cold joints in the metal, especially if two metal wave fronts meet deep in the mold.
For a model airplane engine, you are going to need a high degree of casting structural integrity, due to the vibration that it will have to withstand, and I am not sure the hardware store foam method would be up to the task.
I am not aware of the big hardware store foam guy on youtube ever making an operating engine; he makes cylinders, manifolds, etc., but I have never seen a real operating engine built by him, and so I guess his cast cylinders are just for show ?, or perhaps he just does not publish his engine work.