Demon V8

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I like "required a huge amount of concentration" - What fun for a modeller! The satisfaction upon completion must have been equally good? - Unfortunately, such workshop days are few for me, just now, while my wife needs a bit of nursing during recovery. But she is the best Model I have! - Worth the time and effort.
Thanks for sharing your success!
Just a suggestion but when you cut your camshaft set aside a day where you have absolutely nothing going on and you can take your time and do the entire thing in one day. Walking away for lunch is no big deal but walking away for a day or 2 can cause problems, at least for me. Trying to pick up where I leave off isn't as easy as it sounds. If I remember correctly it took me about 5 hours start to finish but I was "in the groove" so allow 8 hours and stop for a snack every couple hours and it will fly right by. This and the crankshaft are the 2 things that were mentally taxing. Both were fundamentally easy but required a huge amount of concentration.
Yes Steve I agree a full day will be set aside as soon as I can to complete the cam

There are still other small parts I can make in the mean time

Thank you for the pictures

Can you please tell me what the Radial is and if you can get the drawings to make it?
The radial is called PIP and the plans and instructions are in the Model Enginer Builder magazine Issue No 24, 25 and 26
You can order the mags on line

The engine was designed by @littlelocos who is a member here he may sell the plans I'm not sure

The radial is called PIP and the plans and instructions are in the Model Enginer Builder magazine Issue No 24, 25 and 26
You can order the mags on line

The engine was designed by @littlelocos who is a member here he may sell the plans I'm not sure
Michael. Thanks for the mention.
Drawings and instructions for Pip are still available. It's hard to believe that the design turned 20 years old in 2024. MEB has the set available electronically. We offer paper copies in a larger, unabridged format. I enjoy answering questions on the forum, however, for sales, etc. please contact me offline or catch up to us at Cabin Fever in a few weeks.