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  1. S

    Handed Stuart Triple

    Some progress on the triple, rods cross heads and bearings done, the first test build with a bit of bedding in.
  2. S

    Handed Stuart Triple

    All the inlet and exhaust ports changed over, now to finish off the cylinder machining, pictures hopefully explain. Holes filled with JB weld with cast iron swarf.
  3. S

    Handed Stuart Triple

    It’s been a while since I worked on this, today I started to convert the cylinder block, this is a second hand kit so some machining has been done, again hopefully pictures tell the story.
  4. S

    Stuart triple picture build log

    Rather than high jack emers thread
  5. S

    Stuart Triple new build

    This was my build might give you some ideas
  6. S

    Stuart Triple new build

    It is the relationship between the journal and their respective eccentrics, because the eccentrics are made together and the engine is reversible the eccentrics need to be set equal to the respective journal. I have found that as long as you have machined to the drawings and any irregularities...
  7. S

    Stuart Triple new build

    I am going to run these on steam, they run fine on air but I need to sort the pipe work out.
  8. S

    Stuart Triple new build

    The crank throw is 1/2” at 120 Deg and the IP cams are 5/32” throw at +- 105 Deg from the IP crank, it will certainly complicate the manufacture of the crank shaft good luck with that not for the faint hearted.
  9. S

    What is your purpose in getting into the hobby of building model engines?

    I first got the engine building enthusiasm at school with a Stirling hot air engine even casting the base in aluminium, nothing special back then. Then after spending my working life in engineering and only managing to build a Stuart D10 but assembling all the machinery I...
  10. S

    Stuart Triple new build

    This is the method I used on the three I have done and they all ran first time, hopefully it makes sense. Assumptions: The cams are machined to the correct throw and angles, check HP 30deg IP, LP 15deg and the cylinder ports are machined to the drawing and if not possible compensated in the...
  11. S

    Stuart Triple new build

    It’s certainly running great,well done bet you can’t wait to get it finished now.
  12. S

    Stuart Triple new build

    Making them that way certainly produces a nice looking rod
  13. S

    Handed Stuart Triple

    Emers The base was cast by a gentleman in the states who is interested in creating a Stuart triple in bronze (no worries about water left after running on steam), I have made some parts for him in exchange.
  14. S

    Handed Stuart Triple

    A little more progress on the handed Stuart triple, the first machining of a newly cast bronze base, it will certainly stand out from the standard engines, the pictures show the process steps.
  15. S

    Handed Stuart Triple

    I have never seen a solution for supplying oil to the big ends, so I decided to try this a 1.6mm hole through the rod with a countersunk hole at the top under the cross head, it will either work or fling oil over the cross head, we will see.