I can’t answer that question, but a dual carb setup would be awesome and would make the intake manifold(s) simpler if that is a direction you would be interested in. Something to think about as you go along.
I am planning to visit the building of the pyramids first thing when I get my time machine finished. That is, if I can get it to work, it turns out that time travel is not as easy as I thought.
So turn the flywheel so one of the intake valves is at full lift of it’s valve an note the position of the flywheel. Now turn the flywheel the opposite way that you want the engine to run ~ 202 degrees and set the exhaust cam lobe at max lift of it’s valve and secure to camshaft (of course, on...
Suck, squish, bang, blow…
That must be the self aligning cylinder design that is able to compensate for various other issues automatically. It probably just needs a new accordion type of intake boot and it will be good to go.
I printed this one a while back and it worked out pretty well. I didn’t worry about making things super sealed, it is happy when things are nice and loose and runs on low pressure just fine . I thought I might build one from metal someday. There are lots of others to choose from I’m sure...
You should probably make a scale pair of pliers for when you have use them to jump across the solenoid. As well as a stick or screwdriver to hold the choke open. Aw yes, the good old days, except it was usually 20 below (Fahrenheit) when we had to use these methods.
Awesome build and details!!