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  1. R

    Anyone interested in the Liney Halo?

    Hullo can you tell me the size of the valve springs I have a kit but have lost the springs have tried your link to the site but it does not work. regards rocky from Australia
  2. R

    Hi from Australia

    Gday from Rocky in Condobolin NSW my Demon V8 build
  3. R

    Hi from Australia

    Gday from Condobolin NSW welcome to the group
  4. R

    Little Demon V8 - helpful hints (hopefully)

    Hullo would you share your camshaft file I cannot get mine right, cheers Peter
  5. R

    Engine seals

    Thanks to all who replied has been sorted now
  6. R

    Engine seals

    Hi Steve yes have replied to you about this
  7. R

    Engine seals

    Thanks for your offer Steve Huck is getting them for me cheers
  8. R

    Engine seals

    Adress Peter Sutherland 18 Orange Street Condobolin NSW 2877 Australia
  9. R

    Engine seals

    Have spark plugs purchased them from you in 2018 as well as a set of gaskets, but can get 8 spark plug boots and another set of engine gaskets thank you
  10. R

    Engine seals

    Thanks for reply had no luck with them cheers
  11. R

    Engine seals

    Hullo Steve thank you for the offer, I was quoted 2x 9505K13 oil seals $7.90 plus $52.70 shipping from Mcmaster Carr. dont know if this was in AU dollar or US dollar as i paid by mastercard. if you can help I will pay you by Paypal as gift please let me know total thank Peter
  12. R

    Engine seals

    Hi all can anyone tell me where i can purchase a 9505k13 oil seals for Demon V8 crank, ordered from mcmaster Carr but they cancelled the order due to cost of export. this seal is in imperial size and not able to be purchased in Australia have looked on the net with no luck. thanks Peter