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      Robsmith replied to the thread Cyclone dust collector.
      I use glass beads on all my automotive stuff. It leaves a very nice matt finish. Also a nice "key" for paint. have coarse garnet but...
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      Robsmith replied to the thread Cyclone dust collector.
      I built a cyclone with a slow motor. Washing machine motor I think. (Gutless and slow but very quiet.) It pulls a reasonable vacuum...
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      Robsmith replied to the thread Sandblaster!!!.
      Brian, I use a glass panel. Two tracks to hold it in place on the outside of the cabinet and the vacuum keeps the dust from leaking past .
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      Robsmith reacted to Sparky_SC's post in the thread Sandblaster!!! with Like Like.
      It remains siphon feed with that modification. The media is still lifted from the bottom of the hopper to the gun with suction, no...
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