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  • raveney
    raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
    Boring the cylinder took nearly two days. I didn't think about how I was going to counterbore the water jacket. The book also showed the...
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  • raveney
    raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
    Thank you sir! Base and legs were fairly straight forward to machine. I bored the cylinder hole in the mill because it wouldn't fit on...
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  • raveney
    raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
    Cleaned off all of the flash from the parts with various files and sandpaper. Here is the resulting home made casting kit My metal lathe...
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  • raveney
    raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
    Thank you for the generous compliments! I got back to the project to cast the last piece... and it came out first try 😁 i really like...
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