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  1. pettra

    Hello from Western Bohemia

    Hi Vlada and TonyM. Welcome from Central Bohemia :D So now we only miss someone from the east and south Bohemia ;)
  2. pettra

    Petr from Czech saying Hi to all!

    I understand you are surprised. :) It is one of my specializations and my known how in the scraping process. I would like to discuss this in my new thread. Here I answer briefly. This is a key repair of the engine block and the only way to get a fully functioning engine from a completely...
  3. pettra

    Petr from Czech saying Hi to all!

    Yes, I absolutely confirm this. I myself already have carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand :D No wonder, I've been holding a scraper in my hands for 40 years! The convalescence after surgery lasted only 15 days - nice. And today without any problems I scrape away. The carpal tunnel problem is...
  4. pettra

    Petr from Czech saying Hi to all!

    Pat Yes this is a really strong topic for a long time. What you wrote in our country we say, "Carved into the rock". Absolute truth. And for Your: Seems Like and Mix Between Science and Art in Some Respects I say: Exactly! I wouldn't say it better. And for all here who do not have exactly all...
  5. pettra

    Petr from Czech saying Hi to all!

    Richard yes it is possible. But I think that I will start a new thread "My scraping" where I could take a photos, videos and some experience.
  6. pettra

    Petr from Czech saying Hi to all!

    Thank Pat, We are repairing old machines such as lathes, milling machines, grinders, but also various others as well as special spare parts. I am a specialist in scraping guide surfaces of various shapes and lengths. And also including scraping the engine block 😇 Only a lot of people know and...
  7. pettra

    Petr from Czech saying Hi to all!

    Hello Deva, where are you from? According to your "Ahoj sused" I would say from Slovakia :)
  8. pettra

    Petr from Czech saying Hi to all!

    Greetings to all. I am Petr from the Czech Republic and I am interested in mechanical engineering, machines and everything around production. I'm graduated as a engineer on ČVUT. I worked for many years under the well -known brand TOS Čelákovice, where machine tools, lathes, toothed mills and...