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  1. mayhugh1

    A Black Widow ... maybe

    Catching up the heads ... The virtual head/block assembly was used to locate the head bolt holes on the heads. The virtual heads were assembled to the virtual block with virtual dowels, and the block's head bolt holes were projected onto the heads for perfect registration and dimensions with...
  2. mayhugh1

    Loctite release

    I've run into the very same problem several times. I've used Loctite 290 which is a wicking grade retainer to fix it. Squirt some down into the space between the liner and the block until it starts leaking out. Its best, but not necessary, to apply it so it leaks out from inside to outside. Let...
  3. mayhugh1

    A Black Widow ... maybe

    Lots of drilling and a narrowly dodged bullet ... Block preparation continued with the removal of a large amount of excess stock remaining on the pan surface. The heights of the deck dowel pin holes above the pan surface were used to reference the operation. A combination of slightly different...
  4. mayhugh1

    A Black Widow ... maybe

    I purchased a set of Black Widow castings from Dwight Giles during the 2012 Portland Gears Model Show. The documentation was a disaster, and after several phone conversations with Dwight I realized I'd need a lot more engine building experience before even thinking about tackling it. Still in...
  5. mayhugh1

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    That's what I'm thinking. - Terry
  6. mayhugh1

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    Yes, thank-you! - Terry
  7. mayhugh1

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    Peter, Here is the spacer I was referring to:
  8. mayhugh1

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    During a multitude of 3-5 minute runs in the past several weeks I managed to run a full gallon of gas through the 289. I then took a deep breath and disassembled it so the crank, rods, pistons, liners, cam, and all bearings could be checked for signs of wear. I was interested in finding out if...
  9. mayhugh1

    Quarter Scale Merlin V-12

    Quote [ ... Hi Terry I have just finished the support bracket for the starter for the Merlin. As I received the drawings second hand I do not know if the following drawings are missing. I do not have any drawing for the electric and manual starter assemblies showing the set up of the gears. Did...
  10. mayhugh1

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    The on-board 'Autolite Voltage Regulator' module is a dc-dc converter that steps the 12 volt battery voltage down to a pot adjustable voltage for the 'MSD' ignition module. - Terry
  11. mayhugh1

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    Returning with tail between legs ... A scope probe was capacitively coupled to the distributor's center lead to find out if the engine's 4500 rpm limit was actually an ignition limitation. Immediately obvious was the variation in the firing lines which were the voltages at which the plugs were...
  12. mayhugh1

    Ford 302 V-8 engine in 3/10 scale

    A masterpiece from the true master builder and a fellow Ford enthusiast. I've learned so much from you over the years, and my latest build probably wouldn't have gotten off the ground without your help. - Terry
  13. mayhugh1

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    In preparation for the flywheel retro-fit, the bell housing was removed from the engine while it was still on the display stand. The flywheel's workpiece was a 4-1/2 lb Stressproof disk originally purchased as a back-up workpiece for the ring gear. The flywheel itself was designed to be a...
  14. mayhugh1

    PIP 3 Cylinder Radial

    Well thought out and beautifully executed. I need to start making my own plugs. - Terry
  15. mayhugh1

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    A Holley carburetor is an impressive assemblage of 'kludges' (only from a fuel injection perspective, of course) that supplies fuel to an engine over a wide range of speed and load conditions. The choke provides a rich mixture during a cold start, and a fast idle cam keeps the engine running...