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  1. J

    Working out which gear cutter

    That clears things up as to why the numbers on the plan were not adding up. Thankyou Jason for your help, I appreciate it.
  2. J

    Working out which gear cutter

    I get 16.4 for imperial. The plan is a hit and miss originally by David Kerzel, but redone by Julius De Waal in metric. The gears in question are on page 4.
  3. J

    Working out which gear cutter

    Hello all, Ill be cutting my first gears soon and I've just been looking into how to work out what module gear cutter ill need. The gear OD is 65mm, Root is 59mm and its 40 teeth. Using OD/(2+T) I get 1.547, is it correct to assume this is a 1.5 module #6 gear cutter? Next question, the plan...