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  1. B

    Challenger, Black Widow model engine casting sets

    There was a gentleman with a couple of challenger sets for sale at the Indiana model engine show. Someone from that club might be able to get you in contact with them. The black widow castings can be purchased from Martin models
  2. B

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    Fantastic work!
  3. B

    Indiana model engineering show - 2024

    Enjoyed the show. Hope it continues to grow. Enjoyed the presentations and talking to the exhibitors. Was a nice bonus to checkout the Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg museum. Wished I could have seen more of the nat car museum on Sat. Still a great day. Thanks to all who made it possible.
  4. B

    First IC engine attempt. Need recommendations.

    Andrew Whale from the UK has a fantastic video series (YouTube - learning turning metal) on building the hoglet that will show you what is involved
  5. B

    Evening All.

    Welcome. I am also into Rc planes, just getting into making model engines.
  6. B

    Compression tester for model i.c. engines

    You could also look at compression testers for Rc 2/4 stroke engines. Here is an example. Racetec Nitro RC Engine Compression Gauge Turbo Plug
  7. B

    Nemett NE15S (Lynx) booklet

    Thanks, I have his book along with the plans and special edition of model engineer.
  8. B

    Nemett NE15S (Lynx) booklet

    I am wanting to locate the 80 page booklet that used to go with the plans for the Nemett (Malcolm Stride) NE15S (Lynx). I interacted with Sarik and they only have the 15 page plans. Does anyone have a booklet that they would be willing to sell? Or do you know where I might find one? Regards, Bob
  9. B

    NAMES 2024?

    Does anyone know if the NAMES show is going to come back this year? I didn't see anything on their site but don't know how frequently it is updated. Bob
  10. B

    Little Demon V8 - helpful hints (hopefully)

    Looking good. Thanks for the video. Interesting
  11. B

    Executive Model Design

    I ordered recently and Doug was able to get them in a few days. Might try emailing as well
  12. B

    Ellery V-Twin 100cc Design & Build

    Good catch. That should have read “your own plans” :oops:
  13. B

    Ellery V-Twin 100cc Design & Build

    Great stuff here. Just curious did you draw your on plans for the plane?
  14. B

    Wanted: Strictly I.C. set (or individual magazines)

    In case you didn’t know, I believe they are still available from
  15. B

    NAMES Expo 2018

    Same here. I will be attending for the first time. Looking forward to it.