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  1. A

    Solenoid diesel injection pumps

    Thank You!!!
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    Solenoid diesel injection pumps

    If you would care too - - - - would love some information on that small electric car - - - please?
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    DIY hand held Hall Effect tach with Arduino

    Please - - - - new thread! (What's your source for all those aluminum heads?)
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    Little Machine Shop Special of the Week

    Hmmmmmmmm - - - curious mr Dave - - - - would you care to give a url of your lathe on Walmart? (I'd like a lookee see if possible.) TIa
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    How not to build a Foundry Iron-Melting Burner

    I think it is a requirement for any diesel engine over 70 hp (haven't checked but its about ubiquitous!!) and its called DEF.
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    Shows keep getting smaller!

    Politely - - - - I would disagree. Social media is about making the owners a lot of money. Everything that happens there is manipulated from behind the scenes. These services are really not as benign as they would have one believe. Was on FB for a bit but found that the quality of what I was...
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    Jakobs Gear Hobber from scrap (no casting)

    Curious - - - have you done anything with hobbing where it was electronically controlled rather than mechanical?
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    1936 Midget magazine plan engine

    A heads up - - - when I went to the above url it wants you to do some other stuff the download point is on the page but its buried in the French verbiage. Watch what you're clicking on!
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    Stationery engine design

    Hmm - - - or - - you may want to build yourself something like a Lister (listeroid being the more modern) diesel - - - that would be interesting - - - anyone on here with one to help get dimensions etc?
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    Lanz tractor build.

    Will you be welding up the fenders? Please - - - a link to the plans author would be useful!!!
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    Prusa XL 3D Printer

    Hmmmmmm - - - - so the tool chain gets longer - - - you know making a tool to make another tool that helps me make another tool that enables me to finish my project. The trick seems to be finding the tools that give the maximum buck for the time committed to their learning and use otherwise it...
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    Thank you for the information - - - sorry for creating noise!!
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    Trying to figure out where the flywheel will be hung - - - ideas - - please? TIa
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    Strictly IC magazines for sale.

    That's not always that reasonable anymore - - - a number of years ago I used something called an m-bag through the post office - - - there were some restrictions but it was reasonable - - - don't think its available anymore though.
  15. A

    High pressure pump

    Thanks - - - that worked!