My brother-in-law sadly died recently leaving his widow with an abundance of model engines, rolling stock, parts, and... machines, tooling, and tools. Lots and lots of these. I'm with her now trying to work out what these devices are. Some are obvious as they have a maker's name and model number/name. But some have ancillary fitments and drawers of related parts, e.g Myford Super 7 lathe.
I'm trying to find a way of helping his widow dispose of all the items. She has help from a good trusted friend of her late husband for the trains, but the machines and tools she's struggling with.
I'd like to post photos of some of them here so that you might help identify them, suggest the best way of selling them (here; small ads; dealer; auction house, etc), and offer a likely used value.
Could someone alert the best mod to ask so that I don't start posting and then get a slapped wrist. I will give one example...
No idea what this is or who made it:
There are another 30-40 machines, most of which I can identify, but some of those are tricky as they appear to have attachments, or extra parts.
Many thanks for helping out.
I'm trying to find a way of helping his widow dispose of all the items. She has help from a good trusted friend of her late husband for the trains, but the machines and tools she's struggling with.
I'd like to post photos of some of them here so that you might help identify them, suggest the best way of selling them (here; small ads; dealer; auction house, etc), and offer a likely used value.
Could someone alert the best mod to ask so that I don't start posting and then get a slapped wrist. I will give one example...
No idea what this is or who made it:

There are another 30-40 machines, most of which I can identify, but some of those are tricky as they appear to have attachments, or extra parts.
Many thanks for helping out.
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