Meh - Just a little clean up

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Well-Known Member
HMEM Supporting Member
Nov 26, 2008
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Camano Island, WA
When the 'Bride' gives the you the side eye as to the chips and debris that track into the house, it becomes time appease. My hide-away is just a little 8 X 16 room off the garage, raw concrete just doesn't take to a sweeping too well. Emptied it to do something with the floor [Might as well paint the walls while I'm at it]
Now the mind goes - Diamond grind the floor and hard epoxy coat it - Nope, not going there - Hit the floor with a ceramic belt on the belt sander just enough to knock down the proud points and scuff up the remains of the previous surface coat. Didn't take long to conclude that a little water to cut the dust down just make mud pies, so to get it done went for the no water dust cloud route. The old carpet cleaner worked fine to suck up the residue from the floor.
Nothing fancy - Paint the walls, scuff the floor and apply a couple coats of 50 buck garage floor paint. Least now should sweep better, reduce the 'Brides' side eye and now that it's empty can organize it to include my coffee pot .

Dust - That stuff gets everywhere . . .

After a few days to let the paint setup, time to put stuff back. Course 'bout half the stuff yarded out went into the back of the truck for a dump run. You collect stuff thinking you'll need it only to crowd yourself out of what used to be a comfortable environment.

Floor sweeps up much nicer now - -

Naturally in the rearrangement the 'Tool Wall' of necessary emergency supplies is 'Proudly' visible . . .

A year and some months later - Not as shinny, stains here and there, still easy to sweep and most of all still doing the job of reducing the amount of chips carried into the house. Course the 'Bride' can still find other faults to point finger at me to which I always say- Thanks for pointing that out dear - and then as reward I get her another box of Oreos - No Honey, those pants don't make your rear look bigger . . .

I recommend putting down those interlocking sheets of flooring grade chipboard (aka particle board) on concrete shop floors. They provide a surface that is easier to sweep, provides some thermal insulation, is better under foot, and a softer landing for the things you drop, specially edge tools.
Foozer I feel your pain. I think it’s why I have a love / hate relationship with the Christmas season. I love getting together with friends and family (well back in the old days when you could get together) but I find myself panicking whenever I see something shiny in the carpet only to find it’s a piece of tinsel off the tree of that sparkly stuff they put on cards. If the boss finds any chips or shavings making their way up from the shop I could be sleeping in the shed for a couple of nights. And these days we’re hitting close to -30 for the overnight temps so I have to be extra careful.
A year and some months later - Not as shinny, stains here and there, still easy to sweep and most of all still doing the job of reducing the amount of chips carried into the house. Course the 'Bride' can still find other faults to point finger at me to which I always say- Thanks for pointing that out dear - and then as reward I get her another box of Oreos - No Honey, those pants don't make your rear look bigger . . .

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ANOTHER? Another member of the Soviet of Washington? Incredible! I live in Moses Lake.
Foozer I feel your pain. I think it’s why I have a love / hate relationship with the Christmas season. I love getting together with friends and family (well back in the old days when you could get together) but I find myself panicking whenever I see something shiny in the carpet only to find it’s a piece of tinsel off the tree of that sparkly stuff they put on cards. If the boss finds any chips or shavings making their way up from the shop I could be sleeping in the shed for a couple of nights. And these days we’re hitting close to -30 for the overnight temps so I have to be extra careful.
We MAKE our tinsel out of chips!
Yet it always works out, the bride got a new kitchen and I got a couple gallons of floor paint. She has her floor and I have mine - Just so long as I remember those special words
"Yes Dear"
Nordland, Wa. here! There are a few of us around.

A few? Dozens!- We have an HMEM brother who lives in Belfair, just a few miles from you. As the Raven glides anyway. I'll bet there are tons of eagles where you live. Do you get to dive the Hood Canal? Any other good places around there to dive? I dove Hood Canal when I was younger, the drop off was only a few feet out. It is the only place I ever saw a stingray also. Get any good photos of the Eagles? Another HMEM brother got a GREAT photo of a wildcat in Mossyrock. I bet if I tried I could get a GREAT photo of a dry corn stalk!

Tell us about your projects.
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My standard answer is a simple "Yes dear" or "Yes darling". But I have my limits and when the nagging runs on the warning is "You are exhausting my equanimity". If you remember the movie "Naked Gun" Vittorio Gasmann says that to someone who ask "What does that mean" and he respond "You are pissing me off".
The business of "Domestic Management" and the male need to cut materials and make things is always a balancing game. My workshop is in the basement with access from indoors and outside, I also have a series of coir mats that get my working shoe soles reasonably clean before changing into my domestic footwear. My domestic goddess is oriental and so the practice of removing one's outdoor footwear on entering the house is strictly observed. These practices do cut down the treading in of debris, alas this doesn't stop disputes.

In the 20 years that we have lived in this house, my wife has visited the basement once, she declared it an unsanitary area and discourages the visiting of it by house guests or visitors. Incidentally, those that do visit generally report how interesting things are and wish they had such a facility. I think I have cracked it.

The management of "Domestic Management" is a matter that has concerned me for 52 years, but now at 75, I think my approach is working. After breakfast, I always ask if she has any small jobs/chores for me to do and if asked to do something I do it without hesitation. When finished I then vanish to my "Refuge" until Lunchtime/ Dinnertime as appropriate. In the past, I have tried the yes dear/no dear approach but to no avail. The best reaction I got was when she had finished a rant I proffered "So I suppose sex is out of the question then?" reaction; a week of cold shoulder and tongue pie. Perfect!! got to be me for a while. Heh Heh.

Don't take life too seriously and be yourself.


The business of "Domestic Management" and the male need to cut materials and make things is always a balancing game. My workshop is in the basement with access from indoors and outside, I also have a series of coir mats that get my working shoe soles reasonably clean before changing into my domestic footwear. My domestic goddess is oriental and so the practice of removing one's outdoor footwear on entering the house is strictly observed. These practices do cut down the treading in of debris, alas this doesn't stop disputes.

In the 20 years that we have lived in this house, my wife has visited the basement once, she declared it an unsanitary area and discourages the visiting of it by house guests or visitors. Incidentally, those that do visit generally report how interesting things are and wish they had such a facility. I think I have cracked it.

The management of "Domestic Management" is a matter that has concerned me for 52 years, but now at 75, I think my approach is working. After breakfast, I always ask if she has any small jobs/chores for me to do and if asked to do something I do it without hesitation. When finished I then vanish to my "Refuge" until Lunchtime/ Dinnertime as appropriate. In the past, I have tried the yes dear/no dear approach but to no avail. The best reaction I got was when she had finished a rant I proffered "So I suppose sex is out of the question then?" reaction; a week of cold shoulder and tongue pie. Perfect!! got to be me for a while. Heh Heh.

Don't take life too seriously and be yourself.


Been there, still doing that.
Thank you. Looks like he lives in Port Angeles. Nordland is pretty close. Not sure how I contact someone here. Be fun to talk in person. Miss the hobby machinist shows.

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