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  1. Troutsqueezer

    Trout Shows His Elmer

    I'm talking about steam engines here...for heaven's sake. Thm: Will try to make a video at some point. BTW, this was machined using a Harbor Freight lathe and milling machine. In case you were wondering. *beer* Trout
  2. Troutsqueezer

    Time's Up

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life. The retirement luncheon this afternoon was the best. Given by a bunch of co-workers and bosses for whom I have great respect. The Ivy Bridge project I've worked so hard on for the last two years is about to see mass production and make Intel a...
  3. Troutsqueezer

    Trout's Shop Tour

    What can I say? I'm not a big talker...
  4. Troutsqueezer

    Firefox and HMEM

    Firefox no longer works with HMEM on my desktop computer (Win7). It waits for a response from the HMEM server but never gets one. The browser freezes. I've re-installed Firefox and killed the cookies, still no work. Any ideas? IE9 works great but don't like that browser. This problem is only...
  5. Troutsqueezer

    Trout's Hit-n-Miss

    For all practical purposes, finished. Need to install the hall effect device and fire it up. Video to follow, might take a little while. Started this before Metal Butcher started on his build of 5. What can I say? Someone once said procrastination is the greatest labor-saving invention of all...
  6. Troutsqueezer

    Cast Iron Cam Query

    Hey Guys, I'm about to make a simple cam for my hit and miss Upshur. I don't have steel rod handy in the right size but do have a nice piece of cast iron rod .75" dia. which is perfect. Anybody know if cast iron is a suitable material for a single lobe cam such as this? Seems like I could...
  7. Troutsqueezer

    Cracking X2 Rubber Bellows

    Try to say that fast three times. You know those accordion-shaped rubber doo-hickeys that keep the swarf from clogging things up below the table on the Seig X2 mill? Mine are starting to disintegrate. Was wondering what others here have come up with for replacement. I've thought about...
  8. Troutsqueezer

    New Avatar

    My apologies. Just had to try out a new avatar. Perhaps closer to the way I actually look rather than the cartoon I was using. I may try experimenting some more. Hey, what else I got to do when not in my machine shop? :big: Does it scare you? I can change it if it does. :D -Trout :big: Edit...
  9. Troutsqueezer

    Differential Gears

    Here is a link to the best explanation of how a differential gear works that I have ever seen. And it's quite old! (like me)
  10. Troutsqueezer

    Recipe for Upshur Flywheels

    There seem to be a few Upshur builds going on at the moment, including mine. I’ve been thinking for a while now about how best to handle the flywheels. After researching the Internet, I’ve found that 3.5” flywheels with the required hub size and thickness are hard to come by. Taking that into...
  11. Troutsqueezer

    Trout's Beam Finished w/Video

    It's not done until the video is made, right? This is just too much fun.... ;D
  12. Troutsqueezer

    Down With the Mini Lathe

    It doesn't take long for my back to start aching when I am using the mini lathe. It is at bench height and because my eyes ain't what they used to be, I have to lean in to get a good look at things (good thing I cut off my hippie hair years ago). So I've been thinkin' about it some. Earlier this...
  13. Troutsqueezer

    Something To Do When It's Too Cold In the Shop

    Linus Pauling, the famous Physicist, used to say that physics is a very competitive field and that many physicists were much smarter and much deeper thinkers than he, but he consoled himself in the thought that he had broader interests. So it is that I confess: I am a member of other forums...
  14. Troutsqueezer

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving

    To all my HMEM buddies out there and to all the lurkers as well. ;) This year I'm thankful for: 1. My wife 2. Still having a job 3. My good health 4. Not having to fly any place 5. Bailey's Irish Cream 6. Ten fingers 7. Wood burning stove 8. Lack of birth control pills in 1950 9. Dr. Gregory...
  15. Troutsqueezer

    Boo Hoo

    Ya know, I hated to do it. Hated to spend the money on something like this when I could have spent it on something like a new sidewalk or furniture or something the wife might like. Now I have to look at it every day and drive it around, pushing dirt and moving rocks and being out in the fresh...
  16. Troutsqueezer

    Three, Three, Three Projects In One.

    Guess you have to be kind of old to remember that commercial, and live in the States. Anyhow... I started an Upshur Hit and Miss build thread some time ago. It's lost in the archives now and I'm not going to revive it even though I'm still working on it. Instead, I'm going to post progress on...
  17. Troutsqueezer

    Show Your Display

    Do you just throw your completed engines into a corner or do you put them on display? There have been some displays posted here, Metal Butcher and Tin come to mind but I don't think there has ever been a dedicated thread on this topic. I'd like to see how the other forum members display their...
  18. Troutsqueezer

    Free At Last - From WildBlue Satellite

    Anybody out there still suffering with Wild Blue or Hughes satellites for Internet access? Having a Wild Blue satellite dish for the last three years and hating every minute of it, I was glad to discover that at last there is an alternative (for me, at least). For those of you who live around...
  19. Troutsqueezer

    Not All Slide Valves Are Equal

    Or so my theory goes... This is kind of a long boring post, my apologies. Having just finished my Elmer's #45 single compound, I was confident it would run first time out. Too confident, it seems. It's not running at all and after almost 8 hours poring over the design, checking the valve...
  20. Troutsqueezer

    Western Engine & Model Exhibition, WEME

    Just wondering if any forums members were participating in the WEME show coming up this Saturday in Vallejo, CA. The wife and I will be there for awhile. -Trout